MegaCall EMD
The course and materials of the MegaCall™ EMD Program is based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) dispatch curriculum and the New Mexico regulations governing emergency medical dispatchers. The course has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Health, Public Health Division and EMS Bureau (EMS Bureau) in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The revised 24-hour MegaCall™ EMD Training Course is for the dispatcher who has not been trained in Emergency Medical Dispatching. The dispatcher has been recognized as an essential component of a comprehensive EMS communications and dispatch operation. This course will train dispatchers to provide appropriate and timely pre-arrival medical instructions to callers. This course meets all national criteria and standards for EMD training currently established.
The enclosed information will provide you with useful information prior to sponsoring an EMS Region III MegaCall™ EMD Training Program.
If you have any questions about the EMS Region III MegaCall™ EMD Training Program or need additional information, please feel free to give Melinda Shaw a call at (575) 769-2639 or email her at