2025 EMS Region III Conference & Expo

It is important to remember that the state has resumed its policy that only ½ of your required CEs can be obtained on-line (asynchronous).  The remainder must be classroom (Synchronous)

The EMS Region III Conference is an annual event that began as an EMS Trade Show in 1982 and transformed over the past 43 years into one of the premier conferences in this part of the country.  This will be the 26th year the conference has been held in beautiful Ruidoso, New Mexico.

This year we are expecting a crowd of over 900 fire, EMS, police, dispatchers, nurses and physicians from New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and Colorado, along with speakers and exhibitors from across the country.

Join us for Pre-conference workshops April 21 – 24 and our core conference program April 25 – 27.  This year’s conference is designed to offer all of the State and National Registry CE requirements by providing pre-conference CE renewal packages, combined with a reduced core conference rate, for those participants trying to complete all required CE requirements at one venue.

The conference also includes an exhibit hall packed with vendors from New York to California, displaying the newest in products and equipment.  The conference will offer a combination of excellent national and local speakers providing the very best in EMS and rescue training.  Training that will enhance your skills, allow you to view the “cutting edge” of emergency equipment and build better relationships with other healthcare professionals.

This conference is made possible by the efforts of the EMS Region III staff, Board of Directors, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and numerous volunteers.

If registering for ANY Pre-Conference with Core Conference, the core conference classes are going to appear first, pre-conference course will follow due to the names. Please be mindful this is a new registration system. If there are any issues with registration, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.